Village Church

Beaverton, Oregon -

Phone: 503-716-5769

Village church is a missional, multicultural community in Christ. We are the result of faithful people, who across the ages, were compelled by the life of Jesus to see the Kingdom of God realized on earth. In discernment of the Missio Dei (mission of God), we pursue our covenantal commitment to God and to one another.

Sunday services are fully integrated as the church worships through music, shared testimony, and sermon study. All are welcome. Youth church runs simultaneously with the main integrated service as do Village Kids (our Children’s Ministry). Our combined attendance on Sundays is around 1,100. Our ethnic fellowships meet throughout the week as well as our outreach ministries.

We believe the gospel of Christ is good news to all people, regardless of ethnicity, age, gender, class, or background. All humanity finds solidarity at the cross, where we recognize our common need for a relationship with Christ. We are multicultural out of obedience; our oneness declares that the gospel is true.

In our unity, we honor and learn from one another as we journey with the Father, Son, and Spirit. The Scriptures depict the community of God in heaven is comprised of people from every nation. God calls us to be that community of heaven here on earth now.