Mercer Creek Church

Ellensburg, Washington -

Phone: 5099337800

Mercer Creek Church is located in Ellensburg, Washington, approximately 2 hours East of Seattle a picturesque valley surrounded by mountains. Ellensburg is the county seat of Kittitas County and is also home to Central Washington University with just under 10,000 students and staff. The population of Ellensburg and the surrounding area is approximately 45,000 and is a unique blend of both rural, college town, and family lifestyles. Kittitas County is a major producer and exporter of hay, and the areas near Ellensburg provide an abundance of recreational opportunities including hiking, fishing, hunting, and skiing. For those who enjoy a slower pace of life, Ellensburg is a great place to live and raise a family. The city has a western flavor, hosting an annual rodeo (a major stop on the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Circuit) which, along with the Kittitas County Fair, attracts a large crowd. The historic downtown includes quaint shops and restaurants and hosts year-round festivals, shows and events. Services include a hospital, quality schools, community swimming pool, parks and a variety of stores.



 Return to Jesus, Run with Jesus, Reflect Jesus

Our values: We make the daily choice to help bring the Kingdom of God to Earth through our core values. We choose to…

Love: We believe that we need to actively choose to love those around us.

Depend: We believe that we must be dependent on God, and that we must spend time talking and listening to Him through prayer.

Disciple: We believe in growing together to look more like Jesus through studying God’s word and living life together.

Serve: We believe that we are called to humbly serve those in our church, our community, and beyond just as Jesus did.

Give: We believe that because God has graciously given us so much, we should also be open handed with our time, treasure, talents, and lives.

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